Each participant attends camp on a scholarship generously provided by one of several sponsoring organizations. Sponsors, supporters and agencies that have contributed to the program include the following:
- WV Conservation Agency
- WV Conservation Education Council, Inc.
- WV Department of Education
- WV Department of Enviornmental Protection
- WV Division of Forestry
- WV Division of Natural Resources
- West Virginia University Extension Service
- West Virginia University Division of Forestry and Natural Resources
- National Park Service
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturing Association
- Conservation Districts
- WV Garden Clubs
- Izaak Walton League of America Endowment
- WV Division of the Issac Walton League of America
- Kent Industries
- Local Civic and Fraternal Organizations
- National Rifle Association
- WV Sportsman’s Clubs
- WV Wildlife Federation