Next Camp Session - June 9-13 2025
Your Outdoor Open Door
Come spend a week with the WV State Conservation Camp to explore our natural world and begin to answer the many questions concerning West Virginia’s natural resources. During a fun week at camp, you will interact with natural resource professionals, explore potential career opportunities, learn new skills and make lifelong friends from all across West Virginia!
A proud tradition since 1941, WV State Conservation Camp continues to introduce young adults to their natural resources and to the wise use and management of those resources. Come, join in this legacy and let Conservation Camp open the door to the outdoors for you!
We use the WVU 4-H system for registration, however, you do not have to be a 4-H member for Conservation Camp or to sign up with this system.
We’ve redesigned our camp brochure and we are getting them out around the state. If you know someone who would like a brochure sent to them, please let us know — send email to
These are also ready to print — so you can print a few yourself and get them to your friends.

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